How to Paint Your Wooden Bunk Bed

Many young grasshoppers such as yourself have come to Mr. Miyagi to learn about the art of painting wood and somehow each and everyone who follows Mr. Miyagi’s instructions goes on to become karate champion. If Mr. Miyagi had opened a school to teach young grasshoppers than Mr. Miyagi would be very rich.

However, Miyagi sun believes that painting wood should be taught for no cost but that of the grasshopper’s own passion, dedication and commitment. If the grasshoppers follow the exact instructions there is a surprise at the end, one that will make the grasshopper as fierce as a lion.


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    The first lesson the grasshopper must learn is how to stand in the correct posture. Face the bed at elbow distance with your legs evenly apart and toes and feet pointing straight ahead. Bend your knees slightly.

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    Next, hold a brush in each hand. Keep one down at your side and raise the other, keeping your elbow bent. Raise your arm in a smooth motion, using your wrist in an up and down motion to apply the paint.

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    After one swipe with one arm, bring it down to your side and repeat with the other arm. Repeat this until your arms begin to shake and you can feel the burn.

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    After every two repetitions do not forget to add more paint to the brush by dipping it in the bucket of paint.

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    Repeat this process without any breaks until a full layer has been applied. Keep moving to a new position. However, your stance and technique must remain constant and disciplined.

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    Apply one layer on the first day. That would be enough for normal people but you are not a normal person, you are a warrior, therefore you will repeat this exercise until you have no less than a few layers of paint on the bed.

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    When you are not painting the bunk bed, you should be jogging and working on your physical conditioning. Yes, this may be a how to guide on painting a bunk bed but this it is also about unlocking one’s true potential as well.

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