How to Participate In Government Tenders

Bid preparation and submission in notice inviting tenders is a very normal practice for work execution, providing goods or services in Government department and public sector organisations. Central and State government departments and Public Sector Organizations (PSUs) have certain tendering processes. The tendering system has to work in accord and follow Public Procurement guidelines and regulations, CVC guideline, World Bank or multi lateral funding agency procurement policies and guideline. There are various ways to take part in government tenders.


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    Seek government tender information

    There are a number of methods to get government tender information. You can do this by reading up tender notices printed in nationalized and local newspapers. On the other hand, you can regularly check on Government websites.

    Moreover, you can visit government authority notice board for small value contract, register or get in touch with government department to ask for your product category and services or subscribe India’s best tender information service provider to get tender alerts of your desire every day and find out tenders through internet access.

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    Choose to bid in a tender

    Bid preparation for tenders is very important to get government contract, but it can get very time consuming. Block EMD or security deposit amount, pay for tender cost or document fees and connect together valuable resources. If you do not get the tender, the time and money spent is normally lost so be cautious about choosing a tender and you need to have a clear idea about to participate in tenders or not.

    There are some important points to think about when taking a decision to participate in government tenders. Buy and download tender document and read it carefully to analyze it. See if the work is according to your nature of business, position and business strategy. Remember you match the financial, technical and experience criteria to qualify in technical bid.

    Find out the cost to make a bid. Check out the costs of fulfilling the contract and explain your revenue. Analyze how the contract will affect your other areas of work, business initiative and staffing.

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    Client’s requirement

    Before starting this process you need to arrange a meeting or have a telephone chat with tendering authority. Ask queries by email or phone if you are not clear about some documents. Also get clarifications through pre bid meeting.

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