How to Participate in Walk the World

Apart from the technological revolution over the previous couple of centuries, latest methods of agriculture have been adopted all around the world, which have increased farming growth to a large extent. Quite unfortunately however, there are millions of people who still hardly get to eat two meals a day.
Walk the World is an event which is organised in June each year with a basic goal of eliminating hunger from the world by 2015. While everyone would like to help the less privileged people, you have to prepare yourself mentally as well as physically to take part in Walk the World.
Start walking
During Walk the World, the participants have to walk five kilometres, which can be a daunting task if you have not been walking regularly or indulging in any kind of a physical activity. Therefore, if you plan to take part in Walk the World, you should exercising. Begin by walking a few meters every day and gradually increase the distance as your body gets used to the physical strain. If you can jog or run, it would be even better. -
Collect money
The purpose of this event is to collect more and more money to send to countries or regions which lack food. Tell your friends and family members about the event and request them to donate for the noble cause. You can even contact some companies and look to gain sponsors. Do not worry if you cannot make a big contribution. Even if you can donate $10, it can help provide food to a couple of poor families. -
Search for schools which take part in Walk the World
There are many schools in different areas which organise their own Walk the World. If you can find a school close to your locality, that can really help you make a bigger contribution. -
Motivate yourself
In order to enjoy Walk the World, you should motivate yourself and see how this is going to benefit you. Apart from satisfying your inner self by helping others, you can achieve physical fitness through this activity, which is great for your health.