How to Pass a Hydration Test

Probably the most important thing when it comes to staying healthy and ready to perform is being properly hydrated because our bodies consist of 70 percent water and not having enough in our system will definitely result in organ failure and eventually death.
In many sports, a hydration test is required by athletes to ensure that they are not skipping out on the water in order to keep their weight down, which in the past, has resulted in a number of deaths; forcing authorities to take proper steps in this regard. This practice is prominent is wrestling where wrestlers look to sneak into a smaller class in order to face a weaker opponent based on the weight alone and hurt themselves in a bad way in the process.
Drink Water
The basics of passing a hydration test is to drink plenty of water. It is medically recommended by professionals that each and every person should drink at least 64 ounces of water on a daily basis, which turns out to be 7-8 glasses. But for people who are more physically active and their bodies demand more intake of proper fluids should kick that up by two glasses at least.
It may seem hard to do but realize that water is essential for you even if your water weight goes up a little. -
Avoid Salt
Salt is a bad choice to make when trying to pass a hydration test because sodium soaks up water from your body and ultimately that reduces the water level in your system. So until the day of the test, it is highly recommended that you limit your salt intake as much as possible to be fully prepared for the test beforehand instead of having to worry whether your diet could have been a cause of failure or not. -
Before the Test
Prior to the test and especially on the day of the test, it is recommended that you drink as much water as you possibly can, but do not overdo this as too much water is also not safe for you. It is recommended that you drink about 16 ounces before the test itself along with not exercising on the day of your test so that your body is able to store as much water as it possibly can instead of you sweating it all out.
Passing a hydration test is really not that difficult of a task, but for those who are not used to the fluid of life have to strictly follow this guide.