How to Patch a Simple Nail Hole in Drywall

If you have recently removed decoration off the walls of your house, you can find nail holes spread all over them. You can easily patch those holes without painting all the walls. You can use either the same paint or plaster to fill in the holes before painting the area. You can do the job on your own, without a contractor or plumber.  Make sure you do not spoil the entire wall, especially do not try to remove paper off the entire wall. This can further extend your work and there might be some problem with finishing.


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    Identify Spots With Holes

    First of all you need to spot holes in your entire house. It is possible that due to paint colour you miss some of them. So, it is better to mark them with a marker or pencil. Do not use anything thick or any thinner fluid that is spread at a wider area around the hole. This can destroy a considerable part of the wall.

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    Remove Ragged Paper

    You can then remove ragged drywall paper around the holes. Make sure you use a utility knife or a blade so that the paper is removed from the place you want it to be removed. Using anything with a bigger mouth end can destroy the paper at more place than you want. If you have some marking done around the holes with a marker or a pencil, it will be helpful to cut the paper around the holes by using that marking as an indicator.

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    Put in Spackle

    Spackle is a paste purposefully made for patching nail holes. You can use a Spackle knife or blade to put Spackle deep into the holes. Make sure that Spackle knife is inserted deep into the hole and then pour in the Spackle. This will patch up the hole. Use the same process for the rest of the holes until you have all of them patched.

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    Second Coat of Spackle

    After first coat, let the Spackle dry for about 10 to 12 hours and then use some sand to put on the Spackle to give it a thin edge. You can then apply another coat of Spackle and after completing the process for all holes let the Spackle dry out again.

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    Use Premier on Spackle

    Once the Spackle has dried out, use premier coating on it for each hole, and complete the entire process for all. Now you are ready to paint your wall. Use the same colour as it is done for the rest of the wall or walls, and see if some shade is left, use another coat of the paint. This makes your job done and you are able to patch all the nail holes in your house without any outside help and tearing through the entire walls.

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