How to Perform Deep Manipulation Massage

Massage is the manipulation of the layers of muscles using various techniques to enhance circulation, promote relaxation and restore a healthy balance. A deep manipulation massage involves working on targeted tissues of body with pressure, done manually or with mechanical aids. The firm pressure applied to sore muscles not only alleviates pain but also gives you mental relaxation. It usually focuses on the muscles and tissues located below the superficial layer. In spas and health centres, the client is treated while lying on a mat, floor or special massage table.
Things Required:
– Massage oil
– Massage table or mat
Ask your client to lie down comfortably on the massage table or a mat on the floor.
Apply oil onto the areas of your client that need a deep tissue massage. Contrary to recreational massages, where you can work on each and every muscle (from neck to toe), only areas of concern are treated in deep manipulation massage.
Using your fingers, apply firm pressure to the muscles in need of manipulation. In a deep-tissue massage always use rapid and vigorous strokes. Do not push too hard as you want to avoid causing pain to your client.
The direction of strokes should be from the sore muscle towards the abdominal region of the person. Stress leads to accumulation of toxins in the muscles. Massage will force the toxins and impurities toward the liver, for purification and reuse, or toward the kidneys to be excreted out of the body.
Deep tissue massage causes some discomfort, so it is better to discover your client’s pain threshold. For best results, continue massaging the muscle until your client does not feel any discomfort.
Start a deep manipulation massage slowly and gently, giving your client time to adjust and feel comfortable. Start with fingertips and then use your full hand depending upon what area you are treating. Use thumbs to apply pressure to the areas that need more attention.
Always be professional and listen to your client. He or she can guide you towards various problems that they might be suffering from. Always treat each client separately when it comes to a deep manipulation massage.