How to Perform Medicine Ball Mule Kick Exercises

Gym sometimes becomes a boring place, especially when you are using same old typical machines for workout. To get rid of this boredom, you need to try different weight lifting exercises.
What about entering the medicine ball? It would really be a wonderful idea to spend some time with the medicine ball. This equipment is an important part of every good gym, but unfortunately a lot of fellows are not aware of its benefits.
The medicine ball has been in exercising fashion since early 20th century. There are hardly any questions over its worth and productivity. One can easily build both strength and endurance by doing a few simple kick exercises with this equipment.
Exercises that require a partner are really useful, when it comes to kill boredom. If the partner is your friend, you can talk to him/her during the gym session. And if he/she is an instructor, you can learn plenty of things.
Things Required:
– Medicine ball
– Partner to help perform the exercise
– Workout pad
First of all, you need to place a workout mat on the floor. If your gym is already carpeted, there is no need for such things. Though not essential, it is always better to use the workout mat in order to save your elbows from strain.
The mat will also make the exercise a little comfortable. If no mat is available, you can even use a soft towel as an alternative. -
Now, it is the time to take action. Sit on the mat, making sure your face is towards the partner. Your partner, on the other hand, will remain standing on a few feet away.
After sitting in a comfortable position, lean back resting on body on the elbows. The weight of your upper body will entirely be on your elbows. In case you feel any pain, place any towel or soft material under your elbows. Meanwhile, your chest should be propped up facing the person standing in front of you.
It is the time to bend your knees and bring them to your chest. You feet are now directly facing your partner who is holding the medicine ball. You have made the right body position for the medicine ball mule kick exercise.
Ask your partner to toss the ball towards your feet.
Spring forward your legs to kick the ball gently. The ball will go straight back to your partner after being hit by your feet. Make this process a little quick to do three sets of 20 repetitions.