How to Perform the Four Ace Extravaganza

This particular trick is based on simple mathematical rules and principles. Basically, Four Ace Extravaganza is a card game in which players make points out of two different three-card hands. Keeping one hand hidden and the other exposed during the game, the players are allowed to draw cards in order to improve either their hidden hand or the one that is exposed in pursuit to gain more points towards the end. The player who is the first one to reach the 20th point is said to be the winner. This game chiefly involves the four ace extravaganza, which is not very difficult to understand.


  • 1

    First of all, remove the aces from the deck such that the cards are in a numerical order of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9 while the four aces are placed at the top.

  • 2

    After the above step, arrange the other 8 cards from 2 to 9 such that they are on the top of the aces so when you count from the top, the arrangement is 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, A, A, A followed by the rest of the cards.

  • 3

    Once you have made the arrangement mentioned above, you can bet anyone that the aces can be found as you shuffle the deck, keeping the order of top 12 cards staying at the top.

  • 4

    Now ask someone to name a number between 10 and 19. Lay the number of cards chosen with their face on the table.

  • 5

    After doing the above step, tell the spectator to add 2 digits of his number and tell you the sum. For example if it is 14, then count the same number of cards and put them back on the table one by one.

  • 6

    As you place fourteen cards on the table, add one and four again to obtain number five. When you place the cards on the table counting one by one from the top, the fifth card will be ace.

  • 7

    Repeat the same procedure by thinking of another 2-digit number, except for the final count. This means that if the numbers are from 10-20, then 20 will be excluded from the count.

  • 8

    If you chose number 7 in the final count of 1-8; start counting till you reach the seventh card. If, supposedly, the seventh card has number 3, then this time count till that number and the third card that is picked up will be the fourth and final ace!

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