How to Plan a Treasure Hunt for your Kids

It is certainly not easy to engage the kids in some productive activity in which they enjoy and learn at the same time. They want to spend time playing video games, watching movies and cartoons that make them physically and mentally weak.

Treasure Hunts can be really helpful for you to sharpen your kids not only physically but also mentally. They will have to use their wits and put an extra effort to find that hidden treasure. Designing these treasure hunts is easy as you just need to use your premises. It can keep them busy indoor or outdoor for hours.


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    The Location:

    First of all, have a look around you and pick a place. It can be anywhere like the front yard, living room or kids’ play room etc. While selecting a location, you should keep in mind that it is familiar, safe and accessible. However, if you want them to explore new places then you should be there to supervise them.

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    The Treasure:

    You should pick a treasure that they actually want to search out. It can be anything like a toy, cartoon movie or a box full of chocolates etc. If more than one kid is involved then make sure that the treasure is a pleasant surprise for everyone.

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    Think with their mind:

    Try to come at their level and think with their mind. If your children can read then it is OK to drop the clues in the written form but in other case a pictorial description will be really helpful. Usually, children start fighting while competing so try to design a treasure hunt where team effort is needed.

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    Leave Clues:

    Now leave clues for the kids keeping in mind time and space. If you are playing inside then you need just few clues. Hide these clues anywhere but make sure they are approachable and easy to understand. Each clue should lead them to the next one. It will be more fun and learning if you make clues creatively.

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    Rules and regulations:

    Before sending them on treasure hunt, gather all the participants and direct them to stick together. Advise them to stay away from the dangerous places. It is always better to define boundaries for example restrict them in a room or draw a charcoal line to mention the area.

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    Make the treasure presentable:

    Use glittering wrapper to make the treasure more presentable and pleasing for the eyes. Let the kids have a sense of achievement.

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