How to Play Audio Books on iPhone

If you love reading books, but can’t find a proper place or time to read, you can keep audio books which are perfect substitute of reading. There are many online bookstores which provide audio books. Some audio books are free, but for some you have to pay a particular amount of money online in order to get it. Besides, you can also access audio books on the online libraries. You can play audio books on your iPhone by downloading them from Apple store or by syncing your current audio books files from your computer. To play audio books on your iPhone, you just have to follow some simple steps.


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    First of all, you have to turn on your iPhone and go to the main menu. Find the ‘iTunes’ icon on your home screen and tap on it.

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    You will see ‘More’ option at the bottom of your screen, tap on it and then select ‘Audiobooks’.

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    Now, you can find your desired book from the featured books, Top Ten List or by searching the categories. You can see the description of a book by tapping on it. Furthermore, you can also listen to its preview. When you are ready to buy your desired book, just tap on the price button and then enter your account details. If you don’t have an Apple ID, you can make one right away.

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    After downloading your book to the iPhone, tap on the ‘iPod’ icon displayed on your home screen. Then, tap ‘More’ at the bottom of your screen and after that select ‘Audiobooks’. Now, type the name of your book here to listen to it.

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    You can also transfer audio books from your PC to your iPhone through iTunes software. First, connect your iPhone to your computer by using USB cable. Then, go to the devices on the left navigation bar. Click on ‘Books’ icon and then select ‘Sync Audiobooks’. You can either select some specific books or you can sync all your books at one. After syncing, click ‘Apply’ which is given at the bottom of your screen.

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    Unplug your iPhone from your PC and locate the audio books in your iPhone. You can find your audio books by tapping on the ‘iPod’ icon, then ‘More’ and finally going to ‘Audiobooks’.

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    Listen to your favourite audio books and enjoy.

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