How to Play Bizz Buzz

Bizz Buzz is a simple, fun game that is bound to challenge even the smartest of people. The concept of the game is to count incrementally without saying the number three or any number that is divisible by it. Instead, these numbers should be replaced with the word Bizz or Buzz.

The game is designed to be a brainteaser and test both the presence of mind and quick-thinking of the players. The game has a number of variants, some of which can be used to teach children about division, while others simply serve as a fun activity to enjoy with friends.

Things Required:

– Friends
– Beer


  • 1

    Have all your friends who are interested in playing Bizz Buzz sit in a circle. While the game can be played with only two people, it is more fun when played with more than four. Place a bottle of beer in the middle.

  • 2

    The game begins with a player starting to count with the number one.

  • 3

    The person sitting to the right of them continues the counting by saying the next number, i.e. two. This continues around the circle. One extremely important thing to keep in mind, however, is that nobody is allowed to say the number three or any number that is divisible by it. This includes six, nine, twelve and so on.

  • 4

    When the counting gets to a point where a player has to say the number three or a number that is divisible by it, they must say Bizz or Buzz instead. If a person says Bizz, the counting will continue in the same direction, whereas if a person says Buzz, the counting will start moving in the opposite direction.

  • 5

    If a player makes a mistake, they will have to drink from the bottle of beer. Mistakes include saying the number three or any number that is divisible by it, saying the wrong number, speaking out of turn, or taking too long to say a number.

  • 6

    Whenever a player makes a mistake, the game restarts with the counting beginning from the number one.

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