How to Play the Drinking Game Brain Damage

Brain Damage initially comes off as a very confusing game, but once you understand the rules and instructions, you will yourself having a lot of fun. The game is crazy and consequently lots of fun when played in large groups.

The game basically requires all the 8s, 9s and red 10s to be removed the deck of 52 cards. The remaining cards include picture cards, aces and numbered cards from 2-7.

Being a variant of blackjack, brain damage is played against a specific number. Unlike blackjack where the number is 21, this particular variant is playing against 7.5. Each picture card has a value of 0.5, while ace has a value of 1. Numbered cards from 2-7 remain at their face value, whereas black 10s are considered as 7.5 and consequently referred to as wild.


  • 1

    A game of brain damage begins with the deck of cards being placed face-down. Each player picks up a card. The player with the highest card in hand gets to deal first, with the continuing afterwards from the person who drew the second highest card to the third and so on. Getting to deal first puts a player at a huge advantage, especially when playing against a large group of people, since dealing last has a strong possibility of resulting in “Brain Damage.”

  • 2

    The highest drawer reshuffles the cards and then deals one card face-down to the first player and one card, also face-down, to himself.

  • 3

    The first player picks up his card to view it, carefully keeping it hidden from the view of the dealer. After taking a look at his card, he bets any number of drinks.

  • 4

    With their card still hidden, the player takes a hit, i.e. card an additional card from the deck. He can take a hit as many times as he likes.

  • 5

    If the player manages to get five cards in hand without getting busted, i.e. going over 7.5, this is called a “5 card Charlie” and results in an immediate win for him. Since the dealer is the loser, he has to drink the bet.

  • 6

    If the player goes over 7.5 after drawing an additional card, he must inform the dealer and consequently drink the bet himself.

  • 7

    If the player is still below 7.5 after taking as many hits as he likes, the dealer gets a turn to take a hit. He also finally gets to look at his card.

  • 8

    The dealer hits can take as many hits as he wants. If the value of cards in his hand goes over 7.5, he loses immediately and consequently has to drink the bet.

  • 9

    When the dealer is satisfied with the number of hits he has taken, he and the first players reveal their cards. Whoever has a great value of cards in hand wins, which results in the loser to drink the bet.

  • 10

    The game continues with the dealer going to the player with the third highest drawer, with the process continuing until the whole deck is used up.

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