How to Play the Piano in Two Days

Watching someone play a piano makes it look like the easiest job in the world, but believe it when someone tells you that it isn’t. Playing the piano requires the ability to read music notes and then play them without an errors. Generally, people use both hands to play the eight-key keyboard instrument that requires proper technique and hand-eye coordination to be successfully played.


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    Learning to play the piano in two days can only be done through the internet and for that you will have to make an account on a piano teaching website. Once you finish making the account, you will then have to check your email for the account verification from that website. After verification, you will receive your first lesson by email.

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    You now need to click on the link for your first lesson where you will be taught how to read music notes.

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    Now review lesson two by saving it on your computer as well, this lesson will teach you how to play your first song and help you learn some tricks about speed-reading.

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    You now need to begin lesson number-three which will teach you the rhythmic principles and how to play your second practice song.

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    The fourth lesson will be a revision of your previous lessons where you will have to practice the songs that you have learned so far, this lesson will then also help you learn to play another new song. The more you practice playing the notes of these new songs the better you will get at this.

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    The final lesson will teach you the bass clef and focus on chords. You will learn how to play and read chords and then apply them on the songs you have already been taught to play. This lesson course is easy enough to teach you how to play a piano and will have complete command on how to play the songs which you learned. This is the best and the only way to learn the piano in two days.

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