How to Play World of Tanks Online

World of Tanks is an extremely popular online multiplayer game featuring (quite evidently) tanks from the mid 20th century. The game is developed by, a Belarusian company and is based on the freemium model, which means it is free to play but players can choose to buy in-game upgrades, perks and activate special features. The gameplay is basically PVP with every player controlling a tank and given the attention to detail, authenticity and mechanics, the game is definitely worth a try. If you wish to play World of Tanks online, follow the steps given below.


  • 1

    Make an account

    You need to make an account on the official website ( before you can start playing the game. When you visit the website it will prompt you with a redirection option and recommending a geographical region according to your current location. You can choose from North America or Europe, depending on your proximity to either location. Once you are on the appropriate website you can click on ‘Play for Free’ to open up the registration page. Here you have to enter all your details, choose an in-game name and agree with the EULA to proceed. Remember, if you make an account on the European website you can only play on the European client and same is the case for users who register on the North American website.

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    Download the game client

    You can click on the ‘Game’ option from the official website’s navigation bar and select ‘Download Game’ to proceed. On the next page you have several different options for downloading the World of Tanks client for your specific region. You can either choose to download the installer, which is small in size but will download the remaining files on its own, or the full client (currently around 6 GB in size) or a torrent file. Whichever way you decide to download the client, it needs to be installed after download before you can start playing the game.

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    Log in to the client

    Once the client is downloaded and installed you need to run it. It will automatically check for the latest updates and if there are none, you can log in with your username and password. Once you are logged in you will be taken to the ‘Garage’ which is your main screen of sorts and serves as your base. In the garage you can see the tanks available to you, the experience you have gathered, the total gold you have and so on.

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    Play the game

    Select a tank from the bottom slider on your Garage screen and then click on ‘Battle!’, on the top of the screen. The game will then automatically put you in a queue and make a match for you with others who have a similar experience level. Then you will see the loading screen after which the game will start. Now you will be in control of your tank, move it around, follow your teammates and start firing at enemy tanks. There are different objectives in different game modes and you have to fulfill them in order to win the game. Goodluck!

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