How to Polish Concrete Garage Floors

If you find the concrete floor of your garage difficult to clean, your best way out is to polish the floor with acrylic floor polish. The polish will create sort of a protective layer on the concrete floor, making it easier to clean. The polish layer will also resist grease stains from setting permanently on the floor. Polishing the concrete floor in your garage is a fairly simple task and should not take more than a few hours.
Things Required:
– Broom
– Dustpan
– Mild liquid detergent
– Bucket
– Mop
– Degreaser
– Floor polisher
– Concrete polishing pads
– Acrylic floor polish
Before you can start polishing the floor, you have to clean it properly and ensure that no dirt or grease stains remain on the floor. Thoroughly sweep the concrete floor with a broom and collect all the dust and dirt in a dustpan. Prepare a mixture of mild liquid detergent and water in a bucket. Mop the concrete floor using this mixture and get rid of any grease stains using a degreaser. Wipe clean the floor with a mop until all the detergent mixture has been cleaned away and no grease or oil stains remain.
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Let the floor dry completely and then attach a brand new concrete polishing pad to the floor polisher. Plug the floor polisher in a wall socket but do not turn it on.
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Now you need to cover the floor with a thin layer of acrylic floor polish. Pour a small quantity of acrylic floor polish in front of the polishing unit. Turn on the floor polisher and set it to the lowest possible speed. With the spinning brush of the floor polisher, spread out the floor polish. When you are done with the polish that you initially poured, pour more polish on the floor and spread it as before. Continue doing this until the floor is completely covered with a thin layer of acrylic floor polish.
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Let the layer of acrylic polish dry completely. Replace the spinning brush on the floor polisher with a concrete buffing brush. Start brushing the floor with the concrete buffing brush. Keep increasing the speed of the floor polisher as the polish begins to shine. Continue to brush the floor until reaches an even, high-gloss finish. Plug out the floor polisher from the wall socket.