How to Prepare a Sermon

Giving a sermon may not be your regular duty, but when you do it occasionally, it becomes quite an issue to prepare what you will have to say to the audience at church, mosque or a religious gathering of any religion. You may think that you can give out a good speech without preparation and rehearsal, but if you are not experienced, it will be better for you to prepare the sermon and then practice it before you give it infront of your audience. Take time and follow those who have been giving sermons for years. Your sermons should be carefully worded and crafted in a way that the audience understands what you want to say.


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    Pick a subject you are going to speak on. Giving a sermon without planning what you have to speak on will not make a good impression as you might miss a lot of points that you can prepare if you take the time and memorize well before the sermon. If you are having trouble choosing the right topic or subject, consult with those who have been giving sermons for a long time. Do not pick a topic that you know little about because you might make several mistakes during your speech and digress from the topic at hand.

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    Know your subject from inside out. If you are going to speak about a particular subject you do not know much about, you cannot give a good sermon and your audience will probably get nothing valuable from you. Understand the subject in every aspect as you might have to give the audience a chance to ask questions at the end of the sermon (if the gathering is small). Take the time and research about the subject. Read books and all the available religious scripture. You can also get help from online publications.

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    Understand the audience. In order to give a sermon that gets its message across without annoying listeners, you should understand and analyze your audience. Your audience may include people from different age groups, languages, and nationalities, so you have prepare the speech keeping in mind the mental level of the audience. If you have to give sermon to an audience that comprises of youngsters, you have to tone down the speech, avoiding use of complex language structure. For instance, if your audience largely consists of elderly or grown persons, you cannot get away with silly mistakes and your choice of words should be good. 

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