How to Prepare for a Root Canal

Root canal is something that dental patients fear a lot, though this fear is without merit. It is a routine procedure for dentists. It is described as the process of treating the natural cavity with the centre of an infected or badly decayed tooth. The dentist performing the procedure removes the nerve and pulp of the infected tooth in order to remove any bacteria present and then cleans and seals the tooth. If the tooth is not treated, the infection may spread to the tissue surrounding the infected tooth and result in the formation of an abscesses.


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    One of the most effective ways to prepare yourself for the root canal is to ask your dentist as many questions as you feel like about the whole procedure. If there is any kind of doubt in your mind about the procedure such as how the dentist will go about it and how long will it take for him/her to get done with it, do not hesitate to ask him/her about it. You may find yourself feeling a bit worried and even scared, as you are likely to be anticipating a lot of pain. Instead of getting scared and worried, prepare questions and either give your dentist a call, or get answer to these questions, or ask them once you visit the dentist. You are bound to start feeling much more relieved after sharing your fears and concerns with your doctor.

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    Ask your dentist if there is anything in particular such as certain medicines that you should avoid on the day the root canal is to be performed. Typically, your dentist will tell you to stay away from medicines that cause your blood to thin. If you are on some other medication, remember to talk to your dentist about it so that he/she can give you an appropriate advice. Keep in mind that while you may be prohibited to take certain medicines, especially blood thinners, on the day you are to get a root canal, you can start taking those medicines once the procedure is done.

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    Your dentist may recommend certain medicines for you to take in order to prepare yourself for the root canal. Make sure you listen to your dentist with full attention and note down any medicines that he/she recommends. In most cases, dentists recommended over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen to patients. Some of these pain relievers come in real handy after the procedure is done, as they reduce the discomfort and pain, if any, resulting from the process.

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    If you have any dental procedure related phobia, you should let your dentist know about it beforehand so that he/she can help you get over your fear and prepare yourself for the root canal accordingly.

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