How to Prepare for Japa Meditation

Japa is a spiritually rich meditation that is led by a mantra that most of the time is the name of God. The meditation aims to clear thoughts from ones mind and purify the mind. Although there is no specific standard time to do this meditation, doing it at certain times i.e. mornings, is better than others. Also, you make sure you are fully prepared before you start the Japa meditation session as other things on your mind or on hand should not be allowed to come in the way of meditation. This can affect the process and its effectiveness. The purpose of the meditation is also lost.


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    First of all make sure you do not have any other business on hand and are completely free for the meditation. Nothing should come into the way of your Japa meditation when you are doing it as otherwise its purpose and effectiveness is lost.

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    Next thing you choose is a proper time. It is better you do Japa meditation at the same time everyday. Doing Japa at different times everyday can lead to development of different level of concentration and it will not serve any good for you.

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    Choose a proper place for Japa meditation and try to do the meditation at the same place everyday. Changing places can also affect the level of concentration in the meditation and it might lose its effectiveness.

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    As in case of all meditations, wear loose clothing for Japa also. Since you can do the meditation while sitting, make sure your gear lets you feel relaxed. This will serve the purpose of the meditation and you can truly enjoy it, and also reap many benefits.

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    Selection of a mantra is also an important part of preparation for Japa. The mantra can be a name of God or anything else that you can focus on while meditating. You can choose mantra yourself or else can ask your teacher to give you a mantra. The teacher can also pass on certain tips to you how you can get most of your meditating session.

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    Also, think of the setting you want to have for Japa meditation. For example, you can do Japa in a group setting or on your own. If you want to do in a group setting, it is better to form a group of friends or neighbours, decide time and place and then gather at the set time to do the meditation.

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    In the beginning, you can start doing meditation for comparatively less time. You can for example meditate for 10 minutes and as you develop the routine you can gradually expand the meditation time further. It should also help you to know how you feel after doing the meditation and then can go on to set the time for future sessions.

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