How to Prepare Skin for Sunless Tanners

If you have decided to use sunless tanner, also known as self tanner, instead of exposing your skin to UV rays, then you certainly has made a great decision.
Self tanners came into existence few years ago and are commonly used by people around the world. Such types of tanners are easy to use and are much better than exposing the skin to the sunlight.
It also helps you look tanner and beautiful. However, the sunless tanning process also includes the preparation of the skin in order to give your skin a natural look.
Always try to avoid waxing on the day when you plan to tan. If you are using sunless tanner, then you will have to wait for at least one day, after you wax your body. Therefore, you should make sure that you have waxed yourself well before you want to tan your body. Otherwise, the tan will not take.
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The key point in applying the sunless tanner is to prepare the skin properly. Otherwise, the tanning lotion will not have a proper effect on your skin. For that purpose, exfoliate the area thoroughly where you want to apply the sunless tanner. It is advised that you should try to avoid sugar or salt scrubs, as they usually have oily residue in them, which makes it difficult for the tanner to get absorbed in the skin.
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Take a shower using warm water. The water should not be too cold neither too hot. Also, make sure you use plain soap to wash your body, rather than using any moisturising body wash. The moisturiser also creates trouble for the tanner to get absorbed in the skin when applied.
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Even you do not need to wax your body, yet you need to shave your skin to remove any unwanted hair. Shaving legs and other parts of the body is another way of exfoliating.
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Before you apply the sunless tanner, you should dry your skin completely. Also, try to avoid using any moisturiser, as it will make the tanner to slip from your skin. However, you can use light amounts of moisturiser on knees and elbows, as these are the parts that absorb the tanner most.
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Use gloves to apply the sunless tanner, as it helps in applying the tanning agent in a better way. After you are done with applying the tanner on the body, remove the gloves and apply the tanner on your hands.
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