How to Prepare To Get Certified In Yoga

Learning yoga requires patience, energy and concentration, and teaching yoga consumes even more time and energy. You can learn to teach students yoga if you are able to sustain a class of about 15-20 students for about 60 to 90 minutes. It can be either once a week and even three times a week, depending how much time and money your students are willing to invest and how much time you can afford to allocate for teaching in a week. It also depends on the love for yoga that one has, some people are absolutely passionate about it and want to excel to all levels, but some take it as part time ambition or hobby. So, if you have lust for yoga, it is your hobby, ambition and profession, probably everything.

For this you will have to start learning yoga yourself first. You can find professional trainer even in your neighbourhood, at your community center or local sports and fitness clubs. Second thing for you consider is how much time you can locate and whether you have finance lined up to fund the learning project.

You will have to allocate more time if you want to learn yoga quickly, so that you can share the passion with others. In addition to financial resources it will depend on how much effort you can put in. It requires physical fitness, mental toughness and remarkable patience to learn yoga. If you have got all what it takes to learn yoga quickly, launch yourself into it without wasting any time further.


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    Decide About Yoga You Want To Learn

    First thing first, you should decide which type of yoga you want to learn. If you are not sure about it, search on the internet, ask your friend who is already into yoga or even go to a fitness center and ask what types of yoga courses they offer and what is the main difference in them. Popular types of yoga are Anusara, Hatha and Iyengar, Vinyasa, Bikram, Ashtanga.

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    Select Training Program

    Whether you want learn yoga in three months, six months or a year, it is entirely up to you to decide. You can either search on the internet or go and ask at the counter of a yoga health center which types of training programs they offer, what are their timings and fee etc.

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    Think of Finances

    You should give a thought to how you are going to arrange finances for your training. Either you have substantial savings that you can invest in the course, so once you are certified you can make a profit on it by passing on knowledge to your student. You will need to be clear about how you are going to pay your fee for the course for about a six months at least.

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    Enrol For Course

    When all looks ready, you can enrol for a training program, and start learning yoga. You can attend the classes two or three times a week, in a class of about 20 to 50 students. The number however can be different, and sometimes you have a lesser number of students in a class.

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    Observe Your Teachers

    You can also learn by observing your teacher when not taking classes. Closely watch how they make or perform each pose, their physical condition and breathing etc, and then try to copy it.

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    Practice, Practice and Practice

    Practice is one the most important learning tools of yoga. The more you practice, the more patience you develop, the more physical fitness improves and mentally tougher you become. So, in addition taking classes two or three times a week, you should practise it on your own as well. It will help you to develop postures and poses quickly and make you even feel tougher.

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