How to Prepare Your Home for a Long Trip

When you are leaving your home for a long trip such as a vacation, you may not find it hard to relax as you will be concerned about leaving your house unattended. There are so many things that can go wrong when you are not there to look after your house. This fear and concern is likely to keep you under stress throughout your trip, which is why it is extremely important to take necessary precautions. These precautions will allow you to become relaxed about your house and consequently enable you to enjoy your long trip.


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    Once it becomes final that you are indeed going on a long trip, you should start preparing your house for your absence without wasting a lot of time. Delay the preparation may result in you rushing things in the end, which may result in inadequate preparations and precautions.

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    Inform a trusted neighbour or neighbours about your trip, mentioning the dates and duration of your trip. Request them to watch over your house while you are away. If you have good terms with your neighbours, they will be more than happy to offer their neighbourly services.

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    It is recommended to leave the key to your front door and emergency numbers with the neighbours that you trust the most, so that they can watch over your house properly and enter it when and if needed.

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    If the lights in your house have automatic timers, set them in such a way that they create an illusion that the house is not empty and that someone is actually home. This will help to keep the burglars away. You can do the same with your television if it has an automatic timer.

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    If you have something in your refrigerator that is likely to get spoiled while you are away on your trip, it is best to take it out and either throw it or give it away.

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    Get in touch with the newspaper and mail delivery service and either get the services suspended for the duration of the time that you will be gone, or ask them to deliver your news paper and mails to a trusted neighbour’s address.

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    Make sure you lock all the windows properly. Draw the curtains as well so that nobody can peek inside through them.

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    Look all the doors properly. Do not forget to lock the kitchen door or some door that is not often used.

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    Make sure that all the taps in the house are closed tightly so that they do not drip. If it is possible for you to close the valve from behind, do so.

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    Arrange for someone to mow your grass in case you will be gone for a relatively long time.

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    It is extremely important to keep your valuable at a safe place in the house. If you have a safe, lock them in there.

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