How to Prevent Being Hacked When Using WordPress for Your Blog

Hacking is a bitter reality. A massive progress has been seen in the field of information technology over the past few years, but the experts are nevertheless unable to ensure a hacking-free system.

One can imagine nothing worse than being hacked. A hacker can easily infect a virus into all your WordPress posts. He/she can even delete all your posts. Imagine how frustrating it would be for you to see all your hard work getting deleted.

Fortunately, there are several ways to save your WordPress account from hacking. You just need to learn these methods.


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    This is the best possible way. Backup your entire database before making any changes to your account. It can be done manually as well as through a plugin.

    ‘Backup Buddy’ is a fine plugin in this regard. Install this wonderful plugin and you will be able to make a complete backup of your posts, images and files. Now even if you get hacked, your data will stay safe.

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    Update WordPress Version

    Hackers find it difficult to deal with the latest version of WordPress, because it has an updated security system. Whenever using WordPress for your blog, make sure you have the fresh version. You can get an idea about the new versions simply by following WordPress feed.

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    Change Login/Password regularly

    ‘Admin’ by default comes as login and the hackers know this very well. So, you must quickly change your login name. Choose a unique one, so the hacker finds it difficult to guess.

    The best option however is to delete the default admin and create an entirely new custom login. Use strong password and change it on regular basis. Examples of strong passwords are: rockySUPERSTAR93!@” and “Mitchellb7e@”.

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    Block Directory Browsing

    Allowing the visitors to browse through your complete directory could prove expensive. By having a through look at the directory structure, the hackers can easily sway things in their favour.

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    Carefully Use Plugins

    Stay really careful, when it comes to use new plugins, scripts and layouts. You may find hundreds of plugins on Internet, but before installation make sure the plugin comes from a trusted source and does not contain spy-ware.

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    Choose Trusted Themes

    Many WordPress themes came with hidden links and advertisement. Therefore, you should always get the theme from a reputable source. Make sure the theme you are selecting is already being used by others.

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