How to Prevent Hiring Mistakes

Almost all managers look for the perfect candidate. However, finding one is not just a matter of interview grids and elaborate checklists. There are several other aspects which need to be weighed in order to prevent hiring mistakes.


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    Evaluate overall credentials

    Most managers don’t go into details when hiring an employee, or simply give too much attention to a certain aspect. However, that can often lead to the selection of a non-competent worker. This is generally the case as people either look for those candidates who have a similar skill set, or will base their judgment on appearance and demeanor alone. Remember, every aspect is important and it is your duty to take time before making your choice.

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    Ask tougher questions

    You are likely to shortlist two or three candidates, and therefore it is important that you ask relatively tougher questions which may make the decision easy for you. This is important as most people generally tend to soften up after they have shortlisted a couple of candidates. However, that is the time when you need to dig deep and get tough.

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    No one is perfect

    It is important that you have proper evaluating criteria as you will surely come to realize that no candidate is perfect. Some will have an edge in terms of greater experience and knowledge about their field but hardly will you come across a candidate who is an all-rounder, in terms of personality, appearance and overall skill. Therefore it is best that you outline a certain criteria where you are not looking to place a tick against each factor.

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    Do not blindly follow your instinct

    Most managers do this often where they rely on their instincts when choosing an employee. While this may prove positive, ideally one must take different measures to evaluate the qualifications of an employee.  You must further perform a careful background check where you look into a candidate’s history with regards to employment and education. You may be surprised to know to what extent an applicant may provide misleading information.

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    Be job specific

    Most people then to overlook the job specification and are more interested in an applicant’s past performances. You need to consider whether a candidate meets the job description. You can save money by investing in fresh employees who are much more dedicated.

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