How to Prevent Itchy Scalp in winter

Do you always feel the need to scratch your head during winters because it’s try and itchy? Have you tried different methods and they are still not working? Dry and itchy scalp can be a big problem during the winters. You find it extremely bothersome and it is hard to get rid of it. Therefore, you should always search around and keep a check on liquids and ointments that can treat your hair and scalp problems.

Itchy and dry scalp can be easily cured if you know the exact treatment for it. Hence, don’t lose hope, and keep trying by using different hair care tonics.


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    For starters, you have to start using conditioners and moisturizing treatments. Moreover, whenever you are picking a shampoo for yourself, always pick the one which has extra moisturizers in it. While shampooing, make sure that you massage your scalp and you stimulate blood flow and oxygen into the area where you feel itchy. Besides this, use a moist towel and wrap it around your head. It will really help you keep your head wet at all times, and it will not go dry and itchy.

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    Secondly, you have to avoid products which include the solution called Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, also known as SLS. Even though it makes a lot of foam, it eventually dries the skin, irritates your skin and damages hair. Moreover, it also strips the natural oils from your hair.

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    Try to use warm water whenever you are taking a bath. A warm bath always helps you get rid of dry and itchy skin. This will also help your scalp when you will take a bath in warm water, as it will get rid of any dry and itchy symptoms on your head.

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    Try to use essential and natural oils. Even though many claim that oils are over-rated and do not help much in terms of hair treatment, they actually do. Try to add oil in your shampoo which does not include the solution mentioned in the second step (SLS). You can always ask others about the different oils they have used and choose one to apply on your own scalp.

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    Another solution which has proven to be healthy for your scalp is chamomile tea. It is said that if you rinse your hair with this solution, it will really help you get rid of itchy and dry scalp; whether it be winters, or summers.

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