How to Prevent Sexual Assault in London

London has registered 8 percent increase in rape crimes in 2011 with 3431 registered cases, as compared to 3177 in 2010. And as far as other sexual offences are concerned, the statistical number of reported cases stands at an unfortunate 6928 cases according to Metropolitan Police’s official website. This testifies how common cases of sexual assault are and that it is an ill-fated reality which needs to be faced. While the state departments are working to curb this menace, it is equally each individual’s responsibility to stay safe and alert to keep themselves as well as the environment safe. No one can deny that sexually offensive behavior comes from deep rooted psychological and social issues that the offender faces or has faced, but to prevent yourself from being a victim of sexual assault by the offender, consider these steps as some guidelines.
Many rape and sexual assaults occur at the victims’ houses and for that reason, always stay safe and keep the doors and windows bolted. Never allow strangers into your house because you never know what their intentions may be.
If possible, never travel alone, and stay with a companion. This discourages a potential offender from making a move, because you are not alone and have somebody to protect you and help.
When you’re walking to and from your destination, always keep a confident posture and give off a vibe of certainty. Offenders are looking for vulnerable targets that look weak. Not somebody who can put up a fight or make a ruckus.
It may not be wise to be close to someone who has been drinking or using other substances because that’s when they’re not in their senses, and if they have had controlled sexually offensive tendencies, this is when they can come out!
If you are a woman, keep a pepper spray. This way, even if the offender tries to make his move, you can protect yourself and run away and/or ask for help.
Stay in well-lit places. The offender has more chances of making his move in places where there is minimum risk of being seen.
Above all, if the assailant has tried to make a move, don’t hesitate to scream or ask for help from anyone around you. This may even be a stranger on the street. Create a scene. Attract attention.
If you have been a victim of sexual assault, do not let the perpetrator go scot-free and immediately report to the police. While this may not decrease the humiliation you may feel at the hands of the offender, but it will save other potential victims that the offender may target in the future. The emergency number of Metropolitan Police London is 999 while for non-emergency cases, dial 101.
You can also contact organizations that deal with cases of sexual assault in London, for example, Sexual Assault Centre in London. View their website.