How to Process Council Tax Valuation In London

Council Tax is a system that covers the costs of services like local rubbish collection and policing. This tax was introduced back in 1993 after it replaced detested Community Charge. Since then, the Londoners have been paying this tax. The application of this tax is on domestic properties that include flats, houses, maisonettes, bungalows, house boats and mobile homes – whether rented or owned. However, there are several people in London who are still not familiar with the process of Council Tax Valuation. Due to this reason such folks often look for help in order to determine the amount payable in the form of Council Tax.


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    Working out of Council Tax:

    In order to determine the Council Tax of a home, a person requires to know about three things. The first thing is in which valuation band his or her property falls in. The second thing will be how much charges their local council collects for that specific band. And the third thing is to know whether the person is eligible for any exemptions or discounts in case of a full bill.

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    Find out valuation band of a home:

    Council Tax on a house is determined on the base of its value back on April 1, 1991. and not on its current value. Find the valuation band for your property by entering the postcode.

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    Determine council charges for each band:

    The charges for each band may vary from council to council as the local authorities lay down their own Council Tax rates per valuation band. Enter postcode to visit your Council Tax pages .

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    Entitle to a discount or exemption?

    Full Council Tax bill will be counted if two or more adults are living in a family. Therefore, this type of taxation will depend on the circumstances of a person. Discounts and exemptions are given to people in different situations like those who are living on their own can get up to 25 percent discount. To determine your scenario click the links below.

    Council Tax: discounts and exemptions

    Students and Council Tax

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