How to Propagate Herbs From Seed

People who love to grow herbs in their yards always pay attention to the growth process of these herbs and take care of everything in order the diseases away from these tender plants. Propagating or growing herbs from seeds in not difficult at all and you can do it by following certain methods. Many people fail to get desired results because they make mistakes in taking care of herbs. But you can learn the art of propagating or growing herbs from seeds at home by reading this article which will help you in this regard.


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    First of all, you need to purchase small containers or clay pots in which you want to grow the herbs. If you want to grow many herbs on the same place then you should buy a large-sized pot which should be not less than 24 inches in diameter.

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    After placing the pots on the desired places, you need to fill these plants with houseplant potting soil by blending it with polymers. Make sure that the soil is well drained because it will help in growing the seeds faster while keeping the pots indoors.

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    However, you should also take care of the fact that many herbs grow faster in direct sunlight. If you want to grow such type of herbs then make sure you sow seeds in the pots that are kept under direct sunlight.

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    You should sow 4 to 5 seeds of herbs in each pot and make sure you have pushed these seeds 1/4 - inch deep in the soil of the pot. You can plant outdoor herbs like fennel, dill, coriander and anise. These plants are not well for transplantation and grow well outdoors.

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    You should wait for about 5 to 6 weeks for sprouting the seeds and then transplant these little plants outdoors. You should do it in May because the weather of this month is suitable for the growth of herbs.

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    Make sure you have prepared the area or site where you want to transplant the herb seedlings. Make sure the soil is slightly wet or damp which is very suitable for transplanting herb seedlings.

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    You should also plant the seeds in narrow rows and make sure that you have also added water soluble fertiliser to the soil where you want to transplant the herb seedlings.

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    Water these herbs at least once in a week and you should take care of the amount of water as it should not be more than one inch high from the surface.

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