How to Protect Your Skin from Ozone Layer Depletion

With industrial advancement, we have also had a lot of problems with the depletion of the ozone as the amount of pollution is ever increasing. This has taken a toll on our health in many ways. Affecting our skin is one of them and there are more skin problems now than ever before even with all the improved hygiene conditions.
In order to remain healthy and save one’s self from skin troubles, there is need for action. There are certain things that you can do to protect your skin from the hazardous effects of ozone layer depletion.
Avoid Sun
This is the first thing that you must do. Whenever you are going to go out in the sun, make sure that you avoid the sun to the maximum extent possible, especially in the summer. The best way to do this is to wear full clothing, use a floppy hat that covers a larger diameter and wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. Also make sure that you wear shoes that cover your feet properly otherwise you will have the effects of the sun on your feet as well. -
Wear Sunscreen
Once you get out in the sun or are having some fun at the beach, make sure that you exploit a sunscreen with SPF in it. You will need to use the sunscreen as per the kind of sun you will be facing. As the level of sunlight goes up, so should your SPF level as well. In case of mild sunlight, a sunscreen with a 15 SPF should do well. However, if you are going to be facing a glaring summer sun, something on the lines of 60 SPF may work better. -
Drink Lots of Water
Drinking water is always good for health and it is particularly good for your skin. The more water you will drink, the better results you will have. It will also help you in avoiding dehydration. Your skin will be moisturised without the use of moisturisers. -
Keep it Clean
Keep your skin clean and make sure that you wash your face every day. Use good quality soap or even a cleanser for this purpose. This will remove the damaged skin and you will have healthy and glowing skin on top. Moisturise your skin as it will keep on giving nutrition to it which will help it fight the ill-effects of the glaring sun out there.