How to Protect Yourself from AIDS

HIV, human immunodeficiency virus, causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome in humans also known as AIDS. And there are currently no vaccines for this deadly virus which makes it even more dangerous. AIDS is not curable but it is very much preventable.
One should be very careful in several situations to avoid getting infected and it’s not who you are, it’s what you do that matters.
There are many ways through which you can get HIV. The most common one is having unprotected sexual intercourse of any type. It addition to that, sharing needles for injecting drugs can also cause HIV. The use of unsterilized needles for tattooing, acupuncture or piercing and exposure to HIV can also give you this deadly virus. However, there are ways to reduce the risk of getting infected from HIV AIDS.
Use protection
If you are planning to engage in any type of sexual intercourse with someone, use latex or a condom. This will protect you to a great extent. Although even the use of latex and condom does not guarantee 100 percent protection, they certainly reduce the risk of getting infected. -
Never share needles
No matter what, never share needles while getting injected. Always ask for a fresh needle and never compromise on this. -
Avoid getting tattoo and body piercing
Getting tattoos and body piercing is very common these days but these places usually do not use sterilized needles for the procedure. Avoid getting tattoo and body piercing but if you have to do that, ask for fresh or sterilized equipments. -
Take extra precaution if you work at a hospital
If you work at a place where you have to come into contact with blood of other people, take extra precautions. Use a protective mask to avoid inhaling infected air and wear protected medical gloves. If you are handling used needles, treat them very carefully. -
Get yourself checked
Most people do not know whether they are infected with HIV or not. AIDS does not show its symptoms straight away and it can kill you slowly. So the best way to avoid all this is to get yourself checked. Getting yourself checked is more important if you are having unsafe sex. -
Consult a professional if you have any query
Do not hesitate to ask questions about HIV AIDS or stuff that is related to it in any way. Talk to a professional if you have any query and do not be shy about it.