How to Put in a New Crate Motor

Crate motors are the pre-assembled motors that are shipped across as an alternative to rebuilding your vehicle’s engine. Instead of taking out the old engine from your car, shipping it for repair and then reinstalling it once it is fixed, you can simply take a crate motor and put it in your vehicle for better performance gains. However, some general knowledge of auto repair will be required before you attempt to put in a new crate motor. Some steps involved in this process will be extremely easy for anyone to perform but some technicalities will also come into play and you should be aware of them before.


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    You better clean the engine mounting surface before putting in the new crate motor. Use a abrasive pad and brake parts cleaner for this purpose, as it is important for proper gasket adhesion.

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    Pour 5W-30 motor oil into the crankcase and then pre-fill the oil filter. Pressure lube the internal parts of your vehicle’s engine will be very handy before cranking the engine.

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    Check out the firing order on the spark plug and wire, as this step is necessary for determining their right location before starting up the engine.

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    Use a scanner tool or a timing light for examining the static timing and be sure to consult the owner’s manual prior to your checking.

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    Lift up your vehicle upon jack stands and ensure to pull the emergency brakes to keep it in its position.

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    You need an engine hoist to lift the engine off the ground and into the vehicle. You can use a lady slipper for aligning the motor mount and bell-housing bolt holes easily. See the service manual before tightening these bolts to the prescribed torque.

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    Now you have to install all the accessory pulleys and the fan in its position, tightening the bolts as per the mentioned torque specifications.

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    Put all the hoses into their specific positions and tighten the clamps. Use the owner’s manual for this purpose.

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    Re-connect the throttle cable in its position, followed by installing new fuel and air filters into the engine.

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    See if the anti-freeze coolant needs a refill and always use long life anti-freeze for optimum protection of new engines.

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    Check the level of engine oil and refill if required.

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    Connect all the wires in their sockets tightly, ensuring they are away from heat sources and spark plug wires.

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    Check out the battery charging and cables properly attached to the engine. Your crate motor is now ready for testing.

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