How To Quit An Addiction

If you are looking to quit an addiction as part of a move towards living a healthier lifestyle, then following a few basic rules will help to get you started. These should be executed with utmost determination. You must think of quitting as a journey for the rest of your life.

This article brings out a few steps that need to be put in place in order to successfully complete that journey. With the right strategies on how to go about the whole quitting process, it can only get easier as you embark on that journey. Read on to find out more about how to quit an addiction.


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    Make up your mind

    As the saying goes, ‘’Procrastination is the thief of time.’’ So make up your mind today and set your goals. And most importantly walk towards achieving every set goal. Don’t be a victim of procrastination, you might just end up not going through with it at all.

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    Substitute the urge

    In as much as urges are instinctive, they are also desirable and most importantly they can be replaced. The moment you feel the need to engage the addiction, quickly counter by doing something you find as equally satisfying and less harmful. In the instance of alcoholism, you can decide to substitute few ‘’whisky shots’’ with a non-alcoholic beverage and imagine it, as if it were the real alcohol shots that you were consuming.

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    Avoid triggers

    You know what triggers your need to purse that addiction, so avoid them at all cost. Whether it’s from getting depressed, getting angry, or being stressed from work, try as much as possible to avoid putting yourself in a situation that will eventually cause you to bring harm to yourself out.

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    Drink a lot of water

    Consuming a lot of water has been seen to be very effective for certain types of addiction. Besides water helps keep you hydrated, making you feel better, and help flush out toxins from your body in the process.

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    Join a support group

    Support groups are specifically designed to help people get over certain addictions. And being a part of one will give you the courage you need as well as the strength to push yourself until the finish line.

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    Stay positive

    It is no secret that you might be tempted to return to your old self in-spite all your efforts to abstain. That is why, you must develop a sense of discipline to constantly say ‘’no’’ to every temptation that tries to remind you of who you are not.


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    Remind yourself of all the reasons

    While we all have our reasons for most of the things we find ourselves doing, having one or more in this case, will also help you stay focused and keep you strengthened. Even more, they give us meaning and can make us principled.  Perhaps your reasons might be, to avoid embarrassing your children in front of their friends or avoid missing work from the negative side-effects and so on. Whatever your reasons are, remind yourself of them, from time and to time. They’ll surely keep you motivated!

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    Quitting an addiction no matter how severe is not an easy task to embark on, and by putting these tips into consideration, you'll eventually emerge and remain sober for the rest of your life!

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