How to Raise Polite Children

You take your child to a restaurant, only to find that the experience is difficult and embarrassing. People start staring at you because your child is displaying shocking manners and is creating a scene. This sort of situation would be a nightmare for any parent. As a parent, our children’s behaviour definitely reflects the type of parent we actually are, and naturally no one wants others to think of them as having poor parenting skills.
There are many ways to teach a child politeness, and it is never too late to do this. The earlier you start, the more they will pick up and display; children are like sponges, and they soak up everything that is presented to them, both positive or negative. Use this fact to ensure that you always add positively to your children’s upbringing, and raise them to be polite at all times.
Young children are always receptive to learning. When your children are between the ages of 2 to 5 years, it is the best time to teach them life-long habits and instill politeness in them.
You can consider arranging tea parties or take your child to some of these, as they are a wonderful way to teach good manners in a fun and stress free setting.
Children learn by example so it's up to you as a parent to make sure that you serve as a good role model for them. If they see their mom or dad being rude, then they will think that it's all right for them to do the same too.
A play telephone can be a great learning tool and you will find that children learn very quickly in a fun environment. Use a play telephone to teach your children how to talk to other properly.
Dinner is very important as far as family time is concerned, not only for the purpose of teaching values and good manners, but also to have everyone talk about their day. This can also be a good time to teach cell phone etiquette, such as the fact that we need to turn off our cell phones during dinner. So, you should always try to have your child at the dinner table along with you.
Consider having a family fun night. You can play games or just do something the whole family enjoys. This works to teach children politeness, cooperation, kindness and empathy.