How to Read SPSS Data Files

SPSS or Statistical Package for Social Sciences is a powerful software that helps you analyze the response of questions asked from people and displays statistical data so it is easy to interpret results.

The data collected from the response of people can be of two types: qualitative and quantitative. While it is extremely easy to analyze the quantitative data, analyzing the qualitative data sometimes becomes difficult because you can’t quantify it and display it in numbers.

However, SPSS has given researchers this option to express the qualitative responses in the form of numbers, but only for closed-ended questions which are asked from them. If you want to read SPSS data files then follow some simple techniques to help.


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    Sample T-test

    Once the sample t-test has been calculated through the option of “analyze”, you must know how to interpret the result. The “sig” shows the significance value. You must make sure that the first significance value is less than 0.05. If it isn’t, then you must read the significance (2-tailed) values of the t-value in the upper row. However, if your value is significant, then read the lower value of the significance (2-tailed) column. The t-value showcases the difference of opinion between the two variables which you have selected. The higher the value of T, the difference of opinion will be higher and vice versa.

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    Once you have calculated ANOVA through different variables and using the “analyze” option given in the software, interpreting the result is extremely easy. The second table given in the output option will give you the actual results that you require. The significant value on the extreme right column will tell you whether your result is significant or not. If it is less than 0.05, then your results are significant and you must read the F value on the left column. The F value tells you about the difference of opinion between different variables. The difference of opinion is represented by the higher value of F and vice versa.

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    The calculation of regression is also done through the “analyze” option in the software. You must click regression in order to get the tables in the output so you can interpret the results. The adjusted R square in the second table will tell you whether the result you have calculated is significant or not. The value must be less than 0.05 so that it is significant. If it is significant, then you move to the third table and check significant value and the beta values adjacent to it. If the value of a beta isn’t significant, leave it. If it is, then it explains why the dependability of one variable on the final result.

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