How to Recognize Heart Attack Symptoms in Women

Heart attacks are very common among women, and the most dangerous thing is that most females fail to recognize the problem as they do not know about the symptoms. The heart condition for women is different from that of men, who generally have classic symptoms for a heart attack.

Pain in the chest, arms, neck or back are common symptoms of a heart attack in women. Women may also experience trouble in breathing or nausea, if they have a heart condition. Cold sweating and fatigue are also said to be symptoms of a heart attack or a heart stroke in females.


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    Chest pains

    This is probably the most common symptom of a heart attack in women. If you notice pain in your chest, without any known reason, make sure you get it checked by the doctor. It is not necessary that you will have chest pain on the left side - it can be in the middle or on the right too.

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    Pain in the arms, neck or back

    Women generally have pain in the arms, neck or back as a symptom of a heart attack. The pain in these areas can be sudden or can gradually increase over a period of time. Whenever you feel pain in the arms, neck or the back, make sure you contact the cardiologist immediately.

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    Shortness of breath or nausea

    Another symptom of a heart attack in women is difficulty in breathing. When you experience shortness of breath or nausea, consult the doctor or get an immediate check-up at the nearest hospital.

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    Women usually break into a cold sweat when they have a heart problem. They will experience light-headedness during this time and will not feel like doing anything. Sweating is one of the most common symptoms of heart attacks so consult the cardiologist if you are suffering from this problem.

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    Fatigue or tiredness is also a common symptom of heart attacks in women. If you have not been working too much and have been resting, but still feel tired, you need to get a check-up. Fatigue in this condition usually occurs without any reason and you fail to do the simplest of tasks on a daily basis.

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