How to Recover From Buttock Augmentation

Be aware of the fact that all three forms of buttock augmentation are major surgery. Make sure you know that full recovery will take a lot of time. As a result of this, you need to take pain medications as prescribed by your medical examiner or surgeon. Remember that you have to follow his or her guidelines at all times. On the other hand, you will require staying close by for around 2 weeks after buttock augmentation surgeries. When you want to leave, you should be able to sit down comfortably on your new butt. There are plenty of ways to recover from buttock augmentation effectively.


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    Getting started

    Most of the buttock enhancement surgeries might be done as an outpatient procedure, but you can decide to stay the night in the hospital during buttock reshaping together with lower body lift is performed. If you decide to not stay and go home instead, you will be in the recovering room for an hour or two. After that, you will be given in the custody of your family or friend. There is also the facility of a private duty nurse to provide care for you in your house only if you want to hire the service.

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    Do not worry about the blood fluid

    Make sure you do not get alarmed when blood oozes from the area of harvest or liposuction. This is a usual after effect of liposuction and normally stops after or at the end of the first day. The doctor intentionally leaves these inclusions exposed in order for the liquid to get out and allow restricted bruising. Therefore, you should protect your bed with extra sheets to prevent staining it. There should not be any drainage where the implant has been put from the incision. Remember, if this is the case, then tell to your surgeon as soon as possible.

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    Wear support garment

    After liposuction, implant placement or fat injection, you will be asked to wear a support garment. You will be advised to wear it the whole day for approximately three to four weeks after surgery. The compressed garment will aid to minimise swelling and bruising along with skin retraction. Moreover, it will also help with the shape of your buttocks. Patients are urged to take off the garment to shower after two days of augmentation. Be aware that you will feel a little bit of faint when you take off the garment.

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