How to Reduce Edema Quickly After Pregnancy

Edema is swelling of different parts of a woman body during pregnancy. The swelling on areas such as ankles, feet and hands is caused due to excessive fluids that are stored in the body, because the body is naturally capable and stores more water when a woman is pregnant. The problem is solved on its own after child birth as the body loses all excessive fluids, and if not, a woman can take a number of steps to reduce edema. It is not something that cannot be treated or to be worried about, but it is still recommended to consult a doctor in such situation.


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    Do not take the problem too seriously during the pregnancy, as this can lead to depression or anxieties. This happens to almost all women and the problem is quickly solved soon after the child birth. The problem cannot be treated during the phase of pregnancy.

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    Edema is caused by excessive fluids stored in the body of a pregnant woman, which is a normal process. Although the swelling is a disease, the route cause is something natural so neither the woman suffers nor the doctors take it serious during the pregnancy period. It quickly reduces and is completely healed in a certain period of time after the child birth.

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    If you as a woman are still worries about it, especially if it is taking a longer time to reduce after the pregnancy, you can take a number of steps to solve the problem yourself. For example, drinking of a lot of water itself is a solution to the problem of swelling and it can boost its treatment pace at a greater speed.

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    The water intake can help your body store less fluids, which is actually the process during the pregnancy. After the child birth staying dehydrated can lead to storage of excessive fluids in the body. Breastfeeding can cause dehydration problem.

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    You can also consume fruit and food that is nutritious. For example, eating Mellon can help compensate for water intake and it can help reduce excessive fluids in your body. At the same time, try to avoid the food items that have high salt level and other spicy food items.

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    Another and the most effective way is exercise. However, only do some gentle exercises in the beginning, especially at the time of breastfeeding. Along with the exercise you should also increase the water intake. Your body can quickly dehydrate otherwise, and add to your edema problem, instead of solving it.

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    If you have a hectic work routine, try to relax every now and then. If the job involves sitting all the time, take a walk around after every short while. Also, place your feet on a stool or a stand while in sitting position. Do not be in a position that exerts pressure straight on your feet and other joint areas. This will prolong the edema solution process.

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