How to Regain Control of a Skidding Car

Driving a car under normal circumstances seems to be quite an easy task, especially for an expert driver. However, even the best of the drivers can get into trouble, if the weather conditions are unusual and the track is slippery. In such circumstances, it is ideal to be on the safer side and drive as slowly as possible. However, sometimes one can make a mistake and lose control of the car.

If you are into such a heart into mouth situation, you need to be aware of a few things, which can help you regain control of a skidding car no matter what the conditions are.

Things Required:

– Car
– Anti-Lock Brakes System (ABS)
– Acceleration Slip Regulation System (ASR)


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    Learn the types of skid

    Before knowing how to regain control of a skidding car, you must be aware of the factors that cause your vehicle to skid. Although there can be numerous things that can force your car to slide on the road, three common skids are braking, cornering and acceleration skid. The first one is self explanatory, as it occurs when your wheels are not rolling because of the application of brakes. The second type of skid occurs when you are too fast, while taking a curve or a corner. Finally, the acceleration skid is caused when extra force is applied on the accelerator, which results in wheel spin.

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    Never panic

    The first thing what most people do under such circumstances is that they panic. As a result, they fail to understand what to do and end up causing damage to their car and sometimes injuring themselves too. Therefore, you have to be mentally strong in such situations and be aware of what’s happening.

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    Avoid sudden braking and acceleration

    In case the road lacks traction, you have to avoid applying sudden brakes. Therefore drive slowly and push the brakes gently, when you see an object at a clear distance from you. Similarly, you don’t have to step on the accelerator like a Formula 1 driver under such a situation. No matter how clear the track is, try increasing the speed slowly.

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    Anti-lock brakes system

    If you have an ABS installed in your car, you don’t need to worry about gaining control over the skidding car. Simply apply the brakes gently and the system will work automatically to improve things for you.

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    Acceleration slip regulation system

    This system also helps in gaining control of the car, when the rear tyres start skidding, so you can get it installed for your safety.

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