How to Rehabilitate a Hamstring Injury

Hamstring injuries are quite common in athletes and they can end a career of an individual. In most of the cases, professionals don’t take proper care of their injury, which gets bad with the passage of time.

The proper thing is to make sure that you look after your muscles properly in order to get fully fit and then start playing your sport once again. Even if you have a slight niggle, you should not ignore it and start the rehabilitation programme. It will definitely cost you some time, but will help you in the long run.

Things Required:

– Ice packs
– Elastic bandages
– Crutches
– Medication (optional)
– Physical therapist
– Swimming pool
– Wall or door frame (optional)
– Tylenol


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    Confirm the injury

    The most important step is the correct diagnosis. Sometimes,  muscles get a bit stiff, especially if you don’t warm up properly. In that case, you might feel that you have a hamstring problem, but you need to confirm it first.

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    See a doctor

    Professional athletes have got a medical team looking after them, so they don’t need to worry, if they hurt their hamstring in the field. However, amateur athletes don’t have this luxury, so it is better for them to consult a doctor as soon as they feel any stiffness in their hamstring.

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    Use the R.I.C.E formula

    To cure any muscle, you must remember four things. First one is rest. Without it, you will be unable to recover in time and will most probably end up getting into a worse situation. Secondly, you need to apply an ice bag to the affected area. Thirdly, you need compression on your hamstring. Finally, the muscle needs to be elevated in order to heal quickly.

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    Take painkillers

    When you hurt the hamstring, there will definitely be a lot of pain. In order to fight it, you need to consume some painkillers. However, never decide them on your own and consult a doctor for this purpose.

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    Once you start seeing improvement in the muscles, you should start exercising. Don’t put extra stress on your muscles and take things slowly.

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    Consult your trainer before starting over

    Before you start action again, consult your trainer so that there is no such issue in the future.

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