How to Remain Emotionally Unattached

Emotional attachments can at times cause you to be vulnerable and exposed due to which you might end up feeling bad or negative. Instead some people like to keep themselves emotionally unattached from these feelings. This isn’t really easy as you’ll need to socialize with people every now and then. Due to which you’ll feel connected to some people. This connection is the cause that leads to all that problems, according to the opinion of those who prefer solitude.


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    Try to stay away from any kind of social events such as parties, weddings and birthdays. These events tend to cause you to feel that you need people around you who care about you and cherish your company. Refrain from these parties so that you’re vulnerable to such emotional moments.

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    Try to maintain silence when surrounded by a bunch of people. Don’t try to be a conversation starter. The more you try and get involved in conversations with the people around you, the more you’ll feel like socializing with them. This would eventually cause you to get attached to these people and hence, your goal of attaining solitude shall no longer be completed.

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    Don’t be reliable for others. Instead, try to be lazy and irresponsible most of the time. This would make people avoid you because your irregular behavior. If there’s a commitment that you must make, then do it. But don’t show up, coming up with the excuse on the last minute.

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    Fill yourself with pride. Don’t be shy in showing off about yourself and the fact that you consider yourself superior to others. Try to dominate others during a conversation, this would be quite annoying for them and they would try to avoid you.

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    Ignore socializing with other people. Don’t bother if anyone texts or calls you. Simply ignore your cell phone along with your email. The more you stay away from people the lesser the chances are there for an emotional attachment. Make people realize that you don’t care about their texts and phone calls, and eventually they’ll stop calling you. Only attend those phone calls that are work-related so that you can keep up with your professional life, while ignoring everything else apart from your professionalism.

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    Never volunteer for anything. Whether that maybe charity work or helping a friend in doing their task, always refrain from committing any such action that would make others feel positive about you.

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