How to Remember to Wash Your Face

Remembering complicated tasks is easy as they keep your mind occupied and make you forget everyday tasks that are simple in nature. If you forget to wash your face when you get up in the morning or after doing something that requires you to wash it, you are not alone.

Many people forget this basic thing on almost a daily basis. It is a sign that your mind is preoccupied. It is time that you change this and make sure that you wash it every day. Here is what to do.


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    Take it Easy

    If you are forgetting something as simple and as basic to wash your face, you are stuffed with worries or work and you need to take it easy. You cannot kill yourself with work and its pressures. So try to rest more and take your mind off work when you are away from it.

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    Now this is a strange thing to stay but you have to remember that you have to wash your face. Many people forget simple things such as washing face or brushing their teeth. So every time you go to sleep or get under the hood of your car, keep it in mind that you need to wash your face when you are done.

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    You can also set up reminder. You can place a sticky note at the bathroom mirror or wall if it does not have a mirror. You can also set up a reminder on your cell phone that it is time to wash your face. It is novel but it is something that works so be sure to use these tips. Put alarms periodically that remind you to its time to have a wash.

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    Ask Others to Remind You

    You can ask your family members to remind you periodically and even poke a finger at you to let you know. You may, off course feel like a baby or a toddler but it is a solution to your forgetfulness.  They may take a punt or two at you but it is totally worth it. The bottom line is to remember to wash your face and to actually do it as this will do the trick for you.

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