How to Remove Malware Destructor

Malware is computer software used for disrupting the normal operation of computer. It has many forms and variations, code, active-x scripts and other software. Viruses, worms, Trojan horses and spywares are the different types of malwares found on computer. Most of these malwares sneak their way into a computer and then cause trouble in one way or another. While some of them may be installed intentionally by computer user to extract personal information illegally, for example a key logger.

There has been a great increase of malware in the past few years and to negate their effect, a number of anti malware tools have also been developed. Most of these softwares are genuine and aware the users of the threat of malwares on their computer systems and gives information on how to remove them. However, there are some fake anti malware tools present online which cause more harm than good.

One such example is the Malware destructor, which once installed on the system, generates irritating popups about the threat of malware all the time. It then offers you a complete system scan of your computer for malware, and on the completion of the scan it offers you to buy the complete version of the software without achieving anything tangible.

This scan is a scam, and it also slows down the performance of the system, changes the home page of the internet browser and adds new random shortcuts to the home screen.


  • 1

    Press Alt, Ctrl, and Shift key at the same time to open the task manager. Click on the processes tab and try to find the following process in there - “C:\Program Files\MalwareDestructor\MalwareDestructor.exe and C:\Program Files\MalwareDestructor\uninst.exe.”

    Click on end process to kill the process.

  • 2

    After that click on start icon on the bottom left corner of the screen and click on search. Here search for ‘MalwareDestructor 4.5’ and press start. Wait for the Windows to search the entire hard disk for the said software. Once the search returns the location of the malware files, go to the destination folder and delete them all.

  • 3

    Now go to the start menu again and click on run. Type regedit, a new window will open up. Here locate the following keys and delete then permanently from the system.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\MalwareDestructor

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