How to Remove Textured Paint

The one time popular textured paint has lost much of its appeal to new innovative paint designs. Textured paint also attracts a lot of dust and dirt which can be irritating for home owners. If you want to shift to a non textured paint surface, you will have to remove the old texture one first which is quite a job in itself. However, with the right techniques and guide, you will find the work much easier and save money on the help you would have otherwise hire. Lets go texture free.

Things you need:

– Water
– dish wash liquid
– water spray pumper
– scrapper or knife


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    Whether it is a wall or the ceiling, the removed paint is going to fall on the floor anyways. Spread a plastic sheet on the floor to protect the carpet and furniture. The sheet will also contain all the paint and so will make cleaning up easier. Cover up any electrical outlets in the surroundings because the paint can get into them when you scrape it off. You might need a face mask because some texture paints contain asbestos, harmful for health.

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    Make the paint wet:

    Take a bucket of water. Add a little soap dish to it to make it soapy. Fill this soap water into a water pump sprayer. Spray this on the surface from where you want to remove the paint. Spray until the paint is thoroughly soaked and gone soft. Spray in parts so that the paint does not go dry before you get to it to remove.

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    Remove paint:

    Use a putty knife or scraper to clear out the soft and moist paint. It will come off easy now. Keep spraying on limited areas and removing the paint before moving on to another part. For some particularly stubborn paint patches, you might have to use a sander to clear them. When you are done removing the paint, collect the plastic sheet to remove the paint deposits from the room.

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