How to Remove Too Much Foundation

Facial makeup is just like building a multi-storey building. After preparing a solid foundation, you use different materials to build things. And in the end, you give the final touch to add beauty.

The foundation is extremely important in makeup. If you have made any errors in laying a good foundation, even an expensive makeup kit will look awkward on your face.

Usually, ladies make a big mistake by applying too much foundation. They often do this to add whiteness to their face. But heavy foundations actually make you look ugly. So, it is important to remove the extra foundation before doing further makeup.

Things required:

– Towel to dry washed hands
– Tissue
– Additional foundation
– Makeup sponge


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    Before removing the extra foundation, you must clean your hands properly. Even if you have applied the foundation with a brush, washing your hands is pretty important.

    Properly wash your hands with the soap. Dry them completely afterwards. If your palms are not soft, make sure you don’t dry your hands too much, because rubbing dry hands on your face would eventually leave scratches.

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    Now, sweep both your palms across your face. Do this gently, but vigorously. Since there is still a little moisture on your hands, they will soak up the excess foundation.

    Move your hands only in one direction. Otherwise, you will reapply the foundation back on the face. Another thing that needs to be kept in mind is that the motions are smooth.

    There is no need to pull the skin or rub. Rubbing will eventually remove all the foundation, which is not your purpose. Removing all the foundation and then reapplying it is a time consuming activity.

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    If you fail to remove the extra foundation with hands, use a tissue paper. There is no need to rub the skin. Just press the area where you feel the foundation is too much. No rubbing or scrapping is required, because only dabbing will do the trick. The tissue paper will automatically absorb the excess foundation.

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    The final step is to use a damp makeup sponge. Make sure it is not too wet. It will be used to soften the lines between the area where you have removed the extra foundation and the rest of your makeup. This will surely even the colour of the skin.

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