How to Repair Brittle Breaking Hair

Do you miss your soft and lively hair? Exposure to chemicals and weather elements takes out the life out of our hair and leaves them brittle and dry. Brittle hair bring many problems with themselves. They lack luster, break easily and develop split ends. Brittle hair can a source of great depression as hair is an important part of our physical appearance. Healthy and beautiful hair is an asset. Brittle hair could be as a result of using chemicals from dyes and shampoos, perm and overuse of the straightener or curler. However, it is never too late. You can get back your soft hair by using some easy remedies that repair your hair and leave it lively and strong again.


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    Oiling of the hair gives it nourishment and conditioning. It strengthens the scalp and discourages breakage. Oils like coconut oil and almond oil are good for repairing brittle hair. Warm oil in a bowl and apply it to your hair using your finger tips. Massage well and leave for an hour with the shower cap on. Wash with good quality shampoo and conditioner. Frequent regular use will get you rid of the brittle hair and reduce breakage.

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    Buy a good quality shampoo conditioner from the market. However, take care that these products do not contain alcohol and lauryl sulfate (SLS) as these elements are degenerative for hair. Using good quality products not only prevents hair from going brittle but also repairs them. When you use the conditioner, let it soak in your scalp and hair before you wash it off. Massage softly.

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    Good hair also ask for some preventive care. Avoid prolonged exposures to the sun with your hair naked. Put a scarf or hat on your head to cover the hair form harmful UV rays. Wash your hair with the gap of a day as shampooing daily can bare the scalp of natural oils which keep the hair moisturized.

    Give your hair a break from the electric products like blow dryer, curler and straightener. Let your hair dry naturally. Do not use hair sprays and gels frequently. The more unnatural products go into your hair, the rougher they will become.

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    Add to your diet loads of green leafy vegetables, fish like salmon, chicken and eggs. These products are rich in proteins and vitamins and make your hair healthier. If you are healthier on the inside, it will show on the outside.

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