How to Repair Shoes at Home

Shoes are one of the necessities that every person demands these days. There are many types of shoes and they vary with the aspect of the use that is required from them. For example, shoe types vary drastically with the sole reason behind it. Shoes for playing, walking, fashion and general purposes differ a lot. Shoes have become expensive these days and nearly everyone likes to repair them rather to replace them with a new pair. Here we will go through the process of repairing shoes all by you at home.


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    The repairing of the shoes heavily matters on the types of shoes that are under the task of repairing. Sports shoes may require expert repairing where as simple shoes that are meant to be used for general purposes may be repaired by every person, sitting at home. The basic things required for this purpose are a thread that is meant to tie things of the shoes, a polish required to give the shoe some shine, a brush, a needle and finally a pair of scissors. The first step that is demanded for such a task is to identify what is wrong with the shoes that have asked for repairing.

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    There can be several things wrong with a shoe. Some of the newly purchased shoes have very feeble sewing and this with the passage of time, comes off. This renders the shoe useless if not treated and can be repaired at home. If there’s an issue of sewing just make sure that you follow the following criteria.

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    Firstly you will have to spot the place from where the sewing has been torn. Now you should take a table and place the shoe upside down on it. This will enable you to access the place more easily.

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    After doing this, remove all the inner padding that the shoe has got. This will require the removal of comforts of the shoe and also any extra supports that have been inserted in to it.

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    Now you will have to take the needle and insert the sewing thread through its hole.  Once the thread has been inserted, start sewing the shoe from the place which has suffered the damage. Once the sewing has been complete, cut the thread with the help of a scissors and tie a knot to the thread. Finally, just use the brush and polish to clean the shoe and give it a better appearance.

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