How to Report a Case of EBay Fraud

EBay is one of the most famous and wonderful websites to buy and sell almost everything. Every day, thousands of people successfully negotiate their dealings with clients through this platform which is the reason why eBay has become an important part of most companies’ businesses. However, unfortunately, there are times when a business deal turns out to be a scam and there is some sort of fraudulent controversy linked with a particular transaction. Frauds occur in businesses everywhere but they can be very complicated and difficult to investigate if they happen on eBay. Naturally, you will not rest until you find the source of the fraud but in order to do so, it is important that you know where and who to turn to if you are on the receiving end of a scam.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation or the attorney general’s office in your state is not really going to help you out unless the scam involves you being robbed of a large sum of money. Furthermore, local law enforcement agencies might also not be of any help until or unless the party that committed the fraud, is in your state.

Then there is the Better Business Bureau which is a non government organization. Although they collect all the financial data of businesses on their websites, they do not conduct any sort of investigation that could possibly lead up to you recovering your lost money.

The Federal Trade Commission will let you lodge a complaint from on their website but the information that you will give them, will be kept only for statistical reasons and no one there will be conducting an investigation.


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    However, the best thing that you can do is that when you find out that you have been robbed, you can instantly file a fraud report on the website of the Auction-Safety organization’s website. This will give you further specific information as to what you should do next and which person or organization you should make contact with.

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    If you used PayPal as the method of transaction, you can file a payment reversal if you suspect something fishy. And, if you made transactions through credit card, you will have a window of 30 days to file and complaint and consequently recover your money.

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    If you visit eBay’s website, you will come across a link saying “Report this item” at the bottom of every listing. And if you feel that the list is a spoof and might be a rip off, you can click on and people at eBay will work on it.

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