How to Report Tax Fraud to the IRS

Though, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has a foolproof tax collection system but still few cheaters manage to deceive the authority every year. According to facts, IRS initiates investigations against more than a thousand individuals every year.

Taxes are the internal income of the country and they play a vital role in balancing the development budget. That is why you should report to the IRS immediately if you know someone who is not submitting a proper tax return.

The best thing about this process is that your identity will be confidential so feel free to contact the authority about fraud.


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    Gather information:

    First and the foremost thing you should do to gather facts and figures about the suspect. Your concern is always appreciated but you do not have the right to damage someone’s reputation on the basis of rumours. Gather all the information and if you are confident that your proof will bring the culprit down then do not hesitate in calling the IRS.

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    Visit the official website:

    Instead of visiting the IRS office, you should report this fraud anonymously. Just visit the official website of the Internal Revenue Service where you will find a form 3949-A for information referral. Download this form and read it thoroughly.

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    Fill the sections 1 to 3:

    Section 1 to 3 of form 3949-A will require the information about the individual and the business. You will have to mention person or company’s name that is cheating the federal authority. Be specific and sure about the names.

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    Check sections 4 and 5:

    Now, when you have given the name of the person or company, you will mention the tax laws that have been violated by the suspect. If the person has showed less income than the actual one then you will mention the exact amount in section 5.

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    Answer all the questions:

    You must keep in mind that the relevant authority would like to know who did what, when and how it was done. You better write a paragraph answering all these questions. You can attach extra sheets if you find the given space is not enough.

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    Name the financial organisation:

    You should name the financial organisation that was used by the tax violator. IRS will contact that bank for the record and ultimately it will make the case strong.

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    Source of information:

    Though, you can hide your source but there is no harm in disclosing your source of information. Send the completed form to:
    Internal Revenue Service
    Fresno, CA 93888.

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