How to Reshape Nose Dimensions Using Make Up

A heavy nose is a massive problem faced by both men and women. On the contrary, too slim nose could also look odd on your face.

If your nose does not suit your face structure, you might face a lot of embarrassment. Usually, a lot of people consider plastic surgery as the only solution. But such surgeries are too expensive and at the same time, a hundred percent result is not guaranteed.

If you want to reshape your nose, you don’t need to worry. By using a few simple makeup tricks, one can easily reshape nose dimensions. Creating an illusion by accurately applying make up is not that hard by any means.


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    Reshaping Narrow Nose

    It is quite easy to mask the narrow appearance of your nose. The simplest solution is applying a concealer that is faintly darker than your skin tone. After using the main concealer, cover the side of your nose with another one.

    You need to adopt a different strategy when applying the second concealer. The concealer you are using on the side of the nose must be a bit lighter than the natural skin. Slowly move downwards to get the desired wideness. Make sure you use the best product after evenly applying the base.

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    Reshaping Broad Nose

    It is slightly harder to fix a broad nose, because it occupies plenty of space on the face. But nothing is impossible. Makeup can make your nose look slimmer.

    First of all, apply the foundation that is 1-2 darker than your original tone. You need to evenly spread the foundation with a brush, especially focussing on the most critical spot.

    Now, it is time to draw new fake boundaries of your slim nose. Start from the inner corner of your eyebrows and slowly come downwards until you reach the nostrils. The bond of the nose must be covered with a lighter make up.

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    Reshaping Long Nose

    Long noses are also pretty hard to fix. But again the make up can do wonders. The trick is applying slightly darker foundation on the tips right between the nostrils. It is imperative that you wrap the whole spot either with foundation or concealer.

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    Reshaping Bumpy Nose

    A bumpy nose looks really odds and can get the attention of others immediately. Again, you need to go with a darker tone, making sure that it is not too dark though. Apply the foundation right down the centre line of the nose.

    You also need to cover the bump and create a tiny illusion by using the same foundation around the nose.

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