How to Restore a Hardwood Floor

Hardwood floors are one of those precious things that adds value to ones home. However carpeting, heavy furniture and lack of care are one of those things that cause these floors to get worn out.
So if your house has got original hardwood floors installed and are hidden under heavy furniture and dusty carpets, its time for you to get them refurbished. However this is a little hectic job to perform but nothing appears as valuable as restoring your precious hardwood floors.
Follow the guide given below in order to know how to restore your hardwood floors.
Things Needed:
– Drum Sander
– Cotton Mob
– Wooden floor Polisher
– Vacuum Cleaner
– Edger
Removing things from the floors:
Before getting started, remove everything from the floors including carpets, chester drawers and other stuff. While sanding the floors, dust will disperse all over so you will have to remove your wall hangings as well. Be careful not to damage floors when you are removing things. Also clean the floors with the vacuum cleaner after moving away all the stuff. -
Taking Protective measures:
Now cover all the heating and cooling channels that are present around and close the doors. Don’t forget to protect yourself as well by opening the windows in order to allow ventilation. Also cover your mouth with a mask and wear glasses to protect your eyes from the dust. -
Sanding the wooden floor:
Observe the areas on the floors that are worn out and need to be fixed. Sanding can be difficult but you can always take an advice from the person who is skilled in the art of sanding floors. Working with floor-sanders not only require effort but also some skill. So if you are using orbit floor sander then first work out in a random pattern and when you are done removing the entire finish for once, work out with a sand paper of 80 grit first and then later with 100 grit.
If you are using the drum sander then here is the trick: Apply the drum sander on those areas by working from side to side. This may require some skill as you will have to use the sandpaper for a rigorous action. So first apply with a sandpaper of 20 grit, then 40 grit and then 100 grit . In the end you will be left with corners or edges where the drum sander cannot reach so for that apply the edger that can easily reach the corners or edges. -
Applying Vacuum Cleaner:
Once you are finished applying the floor sander, let the dust settle down a little. Now apply vacuum cleaner to vacuum away all the remaining dust that has been spread all over. -
Floor finishing:
Now that most part of the dirt has been cleared away, it’s time to apply the wood polish for a clear finish. So choose the one that goes best with the floors in color and type of wood used. With the help of a lint free mob apply three coats if you want to have a shiny new look. After applying one coat, wait for the it to dry before applying the next.