How to Restore an Old Wooden Fence

Many homes have a nice wooden fence that stretches around the front portion of the lawn or garden area. Over time, wind, rain and sun can damage the wood and cause it to fall apart. You can however easily restore an old wooden fence by following some simple guidelines.

Things Required:

– Auger
– Fence Posts
– Fence Boards
– Cement
– Pressure Washer
– Belt Sander
– Sandpaper
– Wood Putty
– Nails
– Hammer
– Paint
– Paint Brush
– Varnish


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    Clean fence:

    If you do not own a pressure washer, you can easily rent one and use it to clean the entire wooden fence. It is important to first wash the entire fence so that you can identify any damage to the wood. Remember to take your time while washing and thoroughly examine the entire fence afterward.

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    Sand fence:

    Sand down the damaged areas of the wood using a belt sander. Be sure to sand the entire fence board surface that you want to restore.

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    Restore damaged areas:

    After sanding the fence you will need to use the wood putty to fill any damaged areas. Once the putty dries you can use some sandpaper to get a nice smooth finish. You can now apply a nice coat of varnish or paint using the brush. Remember to replace nails and screws that might be damaged.    

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    Examine posts:

    It is very important to first check the fence posts as they provide the entire structure with the necessary support. Carefully check each post and make sure that they are fixed firmly to the ground and do not move back and forth. If any of the posts move, then it is a good idea to replace it. You will have to remove the old post using the hammer and install a new one. Take the auger and make a hole in the ground deep enough to support the post. After placing the new post, add some cement around it so that it stays in place.

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    Examine boards:

    Once you have finished inspecting all of the posts, it is a good idea to check the fence boards. You will need to look for any rot or splintering that might have occurred to the wood. Also, check for any potential mildew or mold that might be growing on the fence boards. If you find any boards that are in really bad shape, remove and replace them using hammer and nails.

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